Tuesday 27 November 2012

Triumphant Air Curtain!

As I munched on my morning yoghurt pot full of goodness in Pret, I spotted an air curtain doing the job it is supposed to be doing.

At first, the skeptic in me took one look at the door propped open with the wet floor sign and thought: ' yet another waste of energy by having an air curtain that either doesn't work or is switched off'.

However, upon closer inspection I could see people's hair blowing under the fan as they entered the store to my utter delight - 'yes!' I thought. At last, an air curtain doing its job and doing it so wonderfully!

There is hope.

What a pleasant surprise.

Spotted any air curtains recently that are actually working to create a barrier of air?

Monday 6 August 2012

FRICO Air Curtain Installation - PAL Europe

 FRICO Air Curtain Installation....

Euro Controls recently supplied Tim Jordan of Fabrite Services, based in Portsmouth, with two FRICO AD215W water air curtains for PAL Europe. Tim supplied us with the required details to match the specification needed for the installation. 

Friday 1 June 2012

FRICO Air Curtains - the new PA3500/4200

The latest FRICO Catalogue has been released and is ready for distribution.  Give Euro Controls UK Ltd a call and we will have one sent to you via post - or feel free to download this PDF for your perusal.

Euro Controls UK Ltd and FRICO have been working together for a number of years to educate the market on how air curtains used over door entrances can reduce the cost of air conditioning, prevent draughts and can minimise the build up of ice in cold rooms.

We are pleased to announce that we will be supplying the new PA3500 and PA4200 air curtain range from FRICO along with the intelligent SIRe controller.

The controller has built in functions that go way beyond turning the air curtain on and off - the SIRe will actually read the temperature outside, inside, the number of door openings and calculate the exact air flow and temperature needed to maintain a comfortable climate.

Here is a link to the SIRe controller video, along with a couple of cool pictures of the air curtain itself (spot the difference!).